Simplifying the process of learning with the help of Machine learning & Natural Language Processing
Learnyfy is a software to make things easy for you to learn. To get resources to learn something new is very easy in today's world. Through a click we can have a list of resources available on the Internet. This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage. Clearly getting resources is advantageous but we cannot refer to all the resources available on the Internet. We have a limited amount of time to refer to something. We need some technique or criteria to figure out the best resources available from this too many. Lernyfy is a software which will find the best resource available on your search list from YouTube. The base thought on our mind for YouTube is that videos with the most views or likes are the best. That may be true but that is not always true. There are many videos available on YouTube which have less number of likes or views but content is amazing. Learnyfy will figure it out from the comments. It will analyze the comments of the videos and after some operation it will give you the best video. The meaning of best video here is this suggested video will cover most of the topics you wanted from your search list. The other thing is to have a proper tutorial for your learning. We have integrated learning videos with interactive worksheets for the primary students to learn concepts easily. Students will learn from these videos which are self-made. The other important aspect of learning is testing. The quiz is an important thing for the evaluation of learning. So a quiz is provided for students to have some practice and sharpen their concepts. As competitive exams are becoming an integrated part of students, the quizzes are also available for different national level competitive examinations. Problem with these competitive exam aspirants is not learning, the problem is proper testing. Aspirants can practice quiz as per format of their examinations with full subjects or can select limited topics to prepare particular topics. Software will analyze the performance of aspirants through their quiz and will identify weak and strong topics of aspirants. So it will be easy to cover up only those topics to crack such competitive examinations. This way learnyfy will help students to have some simplification in their learning process and gear up their learning.
Learnyfy is a complete platform for the help in studies.
As we all know internet is the biggest source of learning nowadays. If we want
any type of help in our day day to learnings we take help of internet
especially YouTube. If one want to learn a particular topic in mathematics
he/she should have a list of available videos available on youtube platform to
learn that particular topic. As a user we don’t have time to see all the
videos. Especially for students we need only one or two videos to learn that particular
video. Learnyfy is a tool to find best videos for the user on searched topic so
user have not to waste time in seeing different videos. Learnyfy will suggest
best video for that topic so user can save their time to learn something new.
The main objective of the Quick Quiz Project is to simplify the usable area of use of the Blue book and to reduce personal effort. Provide a complete online solution for managing a quiz system where people participate in a team. The purpose of the program is to develop an online query system., Which is used to assess the domain information of students, and staff with regard to specific technologies. The manual process used to perform the test is a time-consuming process with errors due to human limitations. The purpose of the System is to automatically perform the old manual process of conducting tests on the Online Web Based Examination System. To provide very good practice to the aspirants of different competitive exams through quizzes, mock tests. Quiz Quiz is a web-based quiz program where student can give quiz using the computer system. The purpose of a quick Quiz is to answer questions effectively and there is no wasting time checking paper. The main goal of Quiz Quick is to successfully test the candidate with an automated system that not only saves a lot of time but also provides instant results. Teachers can answer questions using Quick Questions .The system will display the result after the end of the test. The teacher has control over the questionnaire and has to make a questionnaire. The system performs automatic tests and grading on most selection questions included in the system. Administrative control of the entire system is provided. Nowadays we are living in competitive environment. Competition is everywhere. To emerge from group our skills and hard work matters. We can do it through practice. Our project is for these type of practice. We are having so many competitive examinations for different fields. We are making a platform on which aspirants can practice their concepts. There are many mock test applications are available but we will provide self-made question paper. In this student can take quiz on their selected topics. After completion their performance will be analysed by software. A detailed explanation will be given to student for their performance. Software will also analyse their strengths and weaknesses based on their performance. It will be very helpful to score good in respective exams. It can work as booster in their preparation. This project can be useful to many youngsters as many people are preparing for one or other competitive exams. To score good marks and achieve high ranks without coaching can be possible by this. Students can prepare by themselves and test their knowledge here.
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To simplify process of learning
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To find best video of available search result
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To save time through finding best video
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To learn something new easily and in less time
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To give real time quiz experience to students
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To give practice of questions in pattern selected by
- · To give analysis report to make enhancement in learning
for finding best video
First user have to search the topic in searchbar. All the
videos that are in the results that will be collected. As the search result is
coming from YouTube API so it will the
same results as youtube search results. Then to find best videos from them all
the comments of this videos will be fetched and stored in excel sheet. This
excel sheet will contain the name of youtube video and commnets. After
preparation of this Excel sheet ths data will be feed to pretrained Machine
learning Model.
Working of machine learning Model
The model is trained with the youtube comments data with
sentiment. For ex is comment positive, negative or neutral. For Input data for
every comment model will decide whether comment is positive negative or
neutral. This way pre-trained model will add one more column to this excel sheet
which is sentiment analysis. Now model will count total number of positive,
negative and neutral comments. For all the videos a video ratio will be
calculated as below
video ratio=(no.of positive comments)/(no.of negative comments)
Now video will be arranged in the order of video ratio. So top three videos will be displayed as best video accordance to their numbers. This way model will identify the best video from the list of available videos.Learnyfy will a complete guide to student for learning
something new in a short time. It will help students to find best video on
their topics and will help them to boost their learnings. It will be also
helpful to the different competitive exam aspirants in their preparation.
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